Theatre Gu Leòr ann an còm-pàirteachas le / in association with An Lanntair
Stornoway, Quebec
Quebec, 1888. Tha còignear air an glacadh le stoirm-sneachda ann an taigh-òsta iomallach. Tha aonan dhiubh, Dòmhnall Moireasdan, ainmeil air feadh Canada mar eucoireach - ach don choimhearsnachd aige fhèin. A' tighinn às a dhèidh tha Màiri NicNèill, bounty hunter à Barraigh o thùs a tha a' cheart chomeasail air drama is a tha i coimeasach le gunna. Tha eachdraidh eadar an dithis, agus rudan ri rèiteachadh. Western mu Shiaraich, le cèilidhean agus an Colt .45s
*Ged a tha cuid de na caractaran san sgeulachd seo stèidhichte air daoine fìor, tha e uile na obair fhicsein
Quebec, 1888. A snowstorm traps five people in a remote saloon. One is Donald Morrison, the Megantic Outlaw, one of the most notorious villains of his day - to all but his own community. Another is a badass Barra woman, Màiri MacNeill - a whisky-fuelled, pistol-slinging, bounty hunter.She has history and a score to settle. Ceilidhs meet Colt .45s in this wild Gaelic Western.
*All characters and events in this show, even those based on real people, are entirely fictional – dead or alive!
NÒTa bhon stiÙiriche
Leis gur e seo an dealbh-chluich mu dheireadh a bhios mi a’ stiùireadh mar Stiùiriche Ealain Theatre Gu Leòr, bu mhath leam an cothrom seo a ghabhail gus ràdh cho moiteil ’s a tha mi à Calum is seo a’ chiad dealbh-chluich aige. Rudeigin coltach ris an turas eadar Steòrnabhagh ann an Leòdhas agus Steòrnabhagh ann an Quebec, bha fairge gharbh is cruth-tìre doirbh ri cheannsachadh. Bha e ann an fìor dheagh chuideachd, ge-tà, leis am bounty-hunter Barrach as fheàrr Elspeth Turner, aig a’ cheann, agus sgioba de chleasaichean gu math taiceil, cho math ris an sgioba cruthachail, teicnigeach, manaidsearachd stèidse agus eadar-mhìneachadh BSL as fheàrr a dh’fhaodadh a bhith aig stiùiriche sam bith: b’ e fìor obair-sgioba a bha seo. Feumaidh mi cuideachd taing shònraichte a thoirt dom cho-obraiche Rhona NicDhùghaill agus a h-uile ball-bhòrd is neach-obrach a tha air a bhith nam pàirt ann a bhith a’ toirt Theatre Gu Leòr gu far a bheil e an-diugh.
Tha e cho cudromach gun tèid sgeulachdan innse anns a’ Ghàidhlig le Gàidheil mun eòlas aca fhèin; mar sin, an àite sorraidh slàn a thoirt dhuibh, fàgaidh mi sibh le: “Buaidh no Bàs!”
a note from the director
As this is the last show I will direct as Artistic Director at Theatre Gu Leòr, I would like to take this opportunity to say how proud I am of Calum and this his first play. A bit like the journey between Stornoway in Lewis and Stornoway in Quebec, there were rough seas and tough terrain to overcome. He was, however, in very good company, led by the best Barra bounty hunter, Elspeth Turner, and all of the very supportive cast, along with the best creative, production, stage management and BSL interpretation team anyone could ask for: this was a true team effort. I also need to say a special thanks to my wing woman Rhona NicDhùghaill and all the board and staff that have contributed to getting Theatre Gu Leòr to where it is today.
It is so important that stories continue to be told in Scottish Gàidhlig by Gaels about there own experiences; so rather than goodbye, I leave you with: “Buaidh no Bàs!”
- Muireann Kelly
Cleasaichean | Cast
Màiri NicNèill | Mairi MacNeil - Elspeth Turner
Dòmhnall Moireasdan | Donald Morrison - Dòl Eòin MacKinnon
Jean Baptiste Bouchard - Sam James Smith
Uilleamina Bouchard nee Mhoireasdan | Uilleamina Bouchard nee Morrison - MJ Deans
Major Malcolm MacAuley - Daibhidh Walker
Sgioba cruthachail | Creative Team
Sgrìobhadair | Writer - Calum L. MacLeòid
Stiùiriche | Director - Muireann Kelly
Dealbhadh Seata | Set Design - Becky Minto
Dealbhadh Aodaich | Costume Design - Becky Minto & Vicki Brown
Iar-dhealbhadh Aodaich | Costume Supervisors - Vicki Brown & Morna MacLeod
Dealbhadh Solais | Lighting Design - Emma Jones
Dealbhadh Fuaime | Sound Design - Matt Padden
Fidheall & Foot Percussion | Fiddle & Foot Percussion - Arthur Coates
Stiùiriche Sabaid is Gluasaid | Fight and Movement Director - EmmaClaire Brightlyn
Eadar-theangadair BSL | Integrated BSL Interpreter - Catherine King
Greis Gnìomhachas Dealbhaidh | Design Placement - Catherine Tinney
Sgioba Teicnigeach | Technical & Stage Management Team
Manaidsear Riochdachaidh | Production Manager - Elle Taylor
Manaidsear Stèidse | Company Stage Manager - Ali Biggs
Iar-mhanaidsear Stèidse | Deputy Stage Manager - Katharina Siebert
Manaidsear Stèidse Teicnigeach | Technical Stage Manager - Craig McNeill
Re-lighter - Josh Brown
sgioba riochdachaidh | production team
Co-òrdanaiche na Companaidh | Company Co-ordinator - Rhona NicDhùghaill
Neach-taic Riochdachaidh | Production Assistant - Josie Caimbeul
Prìomh Dealbh | Lead Image - Laurence Winram
Dealbhan | Production Photography - Mihaela Bodlovic
Trailer - Daryl Cockburn
Postairean | Posters - Niall Walker
Comhairliche Margaidheachd | Marketing Consultant - Jane Hamilton
Naidheachdan & Meadhannan | PR - Conner Milliken & Kirsty Somerville (Storytelling PR)
Dearbh-leughaidh | Proofing - Catrìona Mhoireach
Taic Dhual-chainnte | Dialact Support - Màiri Morrison, Claire Frances MacNeill, Tyler Collins
Oileanach Gneis Gnìomhachais | Student Placement - Steafanaidh Ní Sheanacháin
Mòran Taing | Special Thanks
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland for facilitating Sam James Smith’s participation; Tron Theatre; National Theatre of Scotland; Comhairle nan Leabhraichean; Playwrights’ Studio Scotland; Douglas Maxwell; Scottish Opera; Jenni Martin; the Theatre Gu Leòr board; the medical professionals who looked after Elspeth at St. John’s Hospital in Livingston and Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Glasgow.
Dealbhan | Images: Mihaela Bodlovic
Le taic bho Alba Chruthachail & Bòrd na Gàidhlig. Air a leasachadh bho thùs le Duais airson Sgrìobhadh Dràma Gàidhlig bho Playwrights’ Studio Scotland, ann an com-pàirteachas le Comhairle nan Leabhraichean.
Supported by Creative Scotland & Bòrd na Gàidhlig. First developed through a Gaelic Playwriting Award from Playwrights’ Studio, Scotland, in association with Comhairle nan Leabhraichean.