sgioba cruthachail | Creative Team
Calum L. MacLeòid - Writer
‘S e sgrìobhadair a th’ ann an Calum L MacLeòid. Rugadh agus thogadh e ann an Inbhir Nis. Nochd a’ chiad nobhail aige A’ Togail an t-Srùbain aig geàrr-liosta Dùais Comann Crann na h-Alba airson a’ Chiad Nobhail as Fheàrr ann an 2018. Ann an 2019 dh’fhoillsich Clò a’ Bhradain a chruinneachadh bàrdachd Bhon Phlateau dhan a’ Chladach, a’ mhòr-chuid dhiubh sgrìobhte fhad’s a bha e a’ fuireachd ann an Montreal eadar 2016 agus 2019. Fhad’s a bha e an sin sgrìobh e an dàrna nobhail aige Fon Choill mu dhèidhinn sgeulachd an Fhògarraich Mhegantic. Choisinn an nobhail sin Nobhail na Bliadhna aig na Duaisean Litreachais 2021.
Choisinn e duais Playwrights’ Studio Scotland airson sgrìobhadairean ùra dràma ann an 2019 agus thòisich e bhith ag obair air Stornoway, Quebec. Mar phàirt den duais sin fhuair e taic bho Douglas Maxwell. Ann an 2021 fhuair e duais LÀS bho Theatre gu Leòr a chuidich e le bhith a’ leantainn air ag obair air an scriobt sin agus thòisich e bhith ag obair còmhla ri Lynda Radley. Bidh e a’ fuireach ann an Inbhir Pheofharain còmhla ris a bhean agus an triùir chloinne agus bidh ag obair aig a’ BhBC, na fhear-naidheachd.
Calum L. MacLeòid is a writer, born and raised in Inverness. His first novel, A’ Togail an t-Srùbain, was shortlisted for the Saltire Literary Award for Best Debut Novel in 2018. In 2019, Bradan Press published Bhon Phlateau dhan a’ Chladach, a collection of poems mostly written while he lived in Montreal between 2016 and 2019. During this time, he also wrote his second novel Fon Choill about the story of the Megantic Outlaw. This won Novel of the Year at the Gaelic Literary Awards 2021.
In 2019, Calum received a bursary from Playwrights’ Studio Scotland for new drama writers and began working on Stornoway, Quebec. As part of this award he was mentored by Douglas Maxwell. In 2021, he was chosen by Theatre Gu Leòr to be part of their programme LAS to develop the script with professional support from dramaturg Lynda Radley. Calum lives in Dingwall with his wife and three children. He works as a news reporter at the BBC.

Muireann Kelly - Stiùiriche | Director
’S ann à Siorrachd Mayo ann an Eirinn an Iar a tha Muireann Kelly. Dh’ionnsaich i dràma aig Conservatoire Rìoghail na h-Alba agus Gàidhlig aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. ‘S e Stornoway, Quebec an dealbh-cluich mu dheireadh le Muireann na Stiùiriche Ealain Theatre Gu Leòr.
Tha Muireann air nochdadh mar chleasaiche o chionn ghoirid ann an Outlander (Starz); ann an eadar-theagachadh Gàidhlig/Gaelige den dealbh-chluich aig Pauline Goldsmith, Dìreach Dathan Dealrach; ann an dràma Gàidhlig a choisinn ainmeachadh duais BAFTA, Calum Dongle (Sorbier Ltd/BBCAlba); ann an Leaving Planet Earth, Grid Iron-EIF; mar Olga san ath-sgrìobhadh aig John Byrne de The Three Sisters; mar Molly Bloom ann an Ulysses, Tron Theatre, a chaidh air chuairt ann an Sìonaidh ann an 2015, agus mar Flora ann an In My Father's Words, Dundee Rep, air chuirt air feadh Alba agus ‘off Broadway’, New York san t-Òg-mhìos, 2015.
Muireann Kelly is originally from County Mayo in the west of Ireland. She studied drama at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and Gàidhlig at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.
She is the founder and Artistic Director of Theatre Gu Leòr, and often directs most but not all of Theatre Gu Leòr’s productions. Stornoway, Quebec will be her final show as Artistic Director of Theatre Gu Leòr before taking on a new role as Artistic Director with Fíbín at An Taibhdhearc, the National Irish Language Theatre in Galway.
Before the pandemic she directed MAIM, which opened and ran at the Tron Theatre, Glasgow in March 2020, which sadly was unable to tour nationwide as planned, due to Covid 19. During lockdown she directed two short films - MAIM for the Scotsman Sessions, and Craic Head for the National Theatre of Scotland’s Scenes for Survival series, and Theatre Gu Leòr’s four newly commissioned radio dramas Rudeigin Ri Ràdh/Something to Say in collaboration with BBC Radio nan Gàidheal, she also commissioned and supported the development of new plays as well as an album and book by the band Whyte inspired by the themes that originated in the MAIM project.
Rudeigin Ri Ràdh/Something to Say has been nominated for a Torc Award for the best radio drama at the Celtic Media Festival 2022, and it also won the Arts and Culture award at the Gaelic Awards in 2021, Cèilidh was nominated in 2018 and Shrapnel also won the award in 2016.
Over the last 30 years she also worked as a freelance actor in theatres across Scotland and Ireland. She has toured internationally to the U.S., Europe and Asia including touring with Tron Theatre’s production of ‘Ulysses’ to Ireland and China where the BBC made a documentary ‘James Joyce goes to China’ and with Dundee Rep to 59 East 59, New York with ‘In My Father’s Words’ for a month’s run off Broadway and some of her TV work includes BAFTA nominated Gàidhlig drama Calum Dongle (Sorbier Ltd/BBCAlba) Outlander Season Three (Starz).

Becky Minto - Dealbhaiche | Designer
Tha Becky air a dhòigh a bhith ag obair air Stornoway, Quebec, a chiad dealbh-cluich Gàidhlig aice son Theatre Gu Leòr agus air bhioran a bhith ga fhosgladh air Eilean Leòdhas. Tha i air a bhith na dealbhaiche ‘son còrr is 25 bliadhna. Tha a h-obair a toirt a staigh prìomh-riochdachaidhean, cuairtean mhòr, aerial agus siorcas, taobh a muigh agus a staigh, agus cuirm-fosglaidh Geamaichean a' Cho-fhlaitheis 2014 ann a Glaschu.
Fhuair i an duais Silver medal for Space Design airson The 306:Dawn NTS aig the World Stage Design exhibition Taipei 2017. Chaidh a h-obair a thaghadh mar phàirt de’n UK exhibition for The British Society of Theatre Designers aig a’ Prague Quadrennial PQ19, PQ15, PQ11 and PQ07.
Tha na riochdachaidhean aice a toirt a staigh: How not to Drown, (Thickskin), Cyprus Avenue, (Tron Theatre), Love Beyond, (Raw Material & Vanishing Point), Underwood Lane Costume co-design with John Byrne, (Tron Theatre), Sister Radio, (Pitlochry Festival Theatre), WILF, (Traverse Theatre), 549: Scots of the Spanish Civil War, (Wonderfools). Ri thighinn am bliadhna: Ancient Futures, (Upswing & Unlimited Theatre) and Ghosthunter, (Visible Fictions), Small Town Boys, (Shapercaper), Lena, (Feather Productions/Assembly), Run Rabbit Run, (Levantes Dance Theatre) agus Helping Hands, (Pitlochry Festival Theatre). Chaidh a h-ainmeachadh ‘s na roinnean best costume agus best set design aig na UK Pantomine Awards, leis a chuirm a gabhail àite ann a Lunnain tràth sa Ghiblean.
Becky is delighted to be working on Stornoway, Quebec, her first Gaelic play for Theatre Gu Leòr and thrilled to be opening it on the Isle of Lewis. She has been designing for over 25 years, her work covers main house productions, large-scale touring, aerial and circus indoor and outdoor productions, multiple site-specific designs and large outdoor ceremonies, including the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.
She was awarded the Silver medal for Space Design for The 306:Dawn NTS at the World Stage Design exhibition Taipei 2017. Her designs have been selected as part of the UK exhibition for The British Society of Theatre Designers at the Prague Quadrennial PQ19, PQ15, PQ11 and PQ07.
Recent and future productions include: How not to Drown, (Thickskin), Cyprus Avenue, (Tron Theatre), Love Beyond, (Raw Material & Vanishing Point), Underwood Lane Costume co-design with John Byrne, (Tron Theatre), Sister Radio, (Pitlochry Festival Theatre), WILF, (Traverse Theatre), 549: Scots of the Spanish Civil War, (Wonderfools). Later in 2023: Ancient Futures, (Upswing & Unlimited Theatre) and Ghosthunter, (Visible Fictions), Small Town Boys, (Shapercaper), Lena, (Feather Productions/Assembly), Run Rabbit Run, (Levantes Dance Theatre) and Helping Hands, (Pitlochry Festival Theatre). She was recently nominated in the best costume and best set design categories in the UK Pantomine Awards, the ceremony being held in London early April.

Emma Jones - Dealbhadh Solais | Lighting Design
‘S e Dealbhaiche Solais a th’ann an Emma, ag obair tarsaing a UK agus thall-thairis.
Tha i air a dhòigh a bhith ag obair le Theatre Gu Leòr son a chiad uair.
Tha i air obair a dhèanamh le iomadh chompanaidh, toirt a staigh Scottish Opera, Dundee Rep Theatre, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Derby Theatre, Scottish Dance Theatre, Stellar Quines, The National Theatre of Scotland, The Royal Lyceum Edinburgh, Catherine Wheels Theatre Company agus The Citizens Theatre Glasgow.
O chionn ghoirid, tha Emma air tòiseachadh obair a dhèanamh ann an còm-pàirteachas le an neach-ciùil SHHE.
Tha Emma air na solais a dhealbhadh airson còrr is 16 pìosan ùr a chaidh choimiseanadh airson Scottish Dance Theatre, ag obair le choreographers stèidhichte agus ùr a leithid Damien Jalet, Anton Lachky, Botis Seva and Henri Oguike.
O 2020, tha i air a bhith na associate artist le Shotput Theatre Company.
Emma is a Lighting Designer based in Scotland, working across the UK and abroad.
She is delighted to be working with Theatre Gu Leor for the first time.
She has worked for numerous companies including Scottish Opera, Dundee Rep Theatre, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Derby Theatre, Scottish Dance Theatre, Stellar Quines, The National Theatre of Scotland, The Royal Lyceum Edinburgh, Catherine Wheels Theatre Company and The Citizens Theatre Glasgow.
Recently Emma has started collaborating with music artist SHHE.
Emma has designed the lighting for over 16 newly commissioned works for Scottish Dance Theatre, working with both established and emerging choreographers including Damien Jalet, Anton Lachky, Botis Seva and Henri Oguike.
In 2020 became an associate artist with Shotput Theatre Company.

Matt Padden - Dealbhadh Fuaim | Sound Design
Bha Matt os cionn fuaim airson Theatre Nàiseanta na h-Alba o 2008 gu 2017.
Tha an obair a rinn e le Theatre Gu Leòr roimhe a toirt a staigh Rudeigin ri Ràdh agus Shrapnel. Tha an obair eile a toirt a staigh Burn, The Enemy, 68 Months in Waiting, Sore Afraid, The 306: Dusk (with Perth Theatre/14-18 NOW), How to Act (& Tour), Eve, Last Tango in Partick, Last Dream (On Earth), A Christmas Carol (National Theatre of Scotland), Heroine (Kennedy Centre, Washington); Missing People (Leeds Playhouse/Kani Public Arts Centre); Last Orders at the Dockside, The Country Girls, What Put the Blood (Abbey Theatre); A Christmas Carol (Pitlochry); KES, Gaslight (Perth Theatre); Sound Symphony (Independent Arts Project); Mirabel (Ovalhouse); The Three Musketeers (The Dukes, Lancaster); Long Day’s Journey Into Night (Citizens/HOME Manchester); The Hidden (Visible Fictions); Cockpit (Royal Lyceum Theatre).
Matt was the National Theatre of Scotland's first Head of Sound, from 2008 to 2017.
Previous work for Theatre Gu Leòr includes Something To Say and Shrapnel. Other work includes Burn, The Enemy, 68 Months in Waiting, Sore Afraid, The 306: Dusk (with Perth Theatre/14-18 NOW), How to Act (& Tour), Eve, Last Tango in Partick, Last Dream (On Earth), A Christmas Carol (National Theatre of Scotland), Heroine (Kennedy Centre, Washington); Missing People (Leeds Playhouse/Kani Public Arts Centre); Last Orders at the Dockside, The Country Girls, What Put the Blood (Abbey Theatre); A Christmas Carol (Pitlochry); KES, Gaslight (Perth Theatre); Sound Symphony (Independent Arts Project); Mirabel (Ovalhouse); The Three Musketeers (The Dukes, Lancaster); Long Day’s Journey Into Night (Citizens/HOME Manchester); The Hidden (Visible Fictions); Cockpit (Royal Lyceum Theatre).

EmmaClaire Brightlyn - Stiùiriche Gluasad & Sabaid | Fight & Movement Director
À Canada o thùs, tha EmmaClaire Brightlyn na Cleasaiche, Stiùiriche Sabaid agus Stiùiriche Ghluasad neo-cheangailte, stèidhichte ann a Alba.
Tha EmmaClaire air obair a dhèanamh air riochdachaidhean le The Royal Lyceum Theatre Edinburgh, The Traverse Theatre, Perth Theatre, Dundee Rep, Citizens Theatre, and the National Theatre of Scotland. Tha i cuideachd air obair le Theatre Gu Leòr roimhe air Ceilidh a bharrachd air le Stoirm Òg air a sàr-riochdachadh aca bho’n Fringe, The Idiot at the Wall. Tha i air obair a dheànamh mar siùiriche sabaid air fiolman Albanach Beats (Sixteen Films) agus Anna and the Apocalypse (Blazing Griffin), agus o chionn ghoirid air a fiolm ghoirid Don Vs Lightning (Biscuit Filmworks) le Peter Mullan, agus a phrògram TV Demon Headmaster.
Originally from Canada, EmmaClaire Brightlyn is a freelance Actor, Fight Director and Movement Director based in Scotland.
EmmaClaire has worked on award winning productions with The Royal Lyceum Theatre Edinburgh, The Traverse Theatre, Perth Theatre, Dundee Rep, Citizens Theatre, and the National Theatre of Scotland. She has also worked previously with Theatre Gu Leòr on Ceilidh as well as with Stoirm Òg on their acclaimed Fringe Production of The Idiot at the Wall. She was Fight Arranger on Scottish feature films Beats (Sixteen Films) and Anna and the Apocalypse (Blazing Griffin), and most recently on the short Don Vs Lightning (Biscuit Filmworks) starring Peter Mullan, and TV programme Demon Headmaster.