Ceangal | Cwlwm is an initiative between Scotland, Ireland and Wales bringing together those involved in theatre-making in Scottish Gaelic, Irish and Welsh.

The History of Ceangal / Cwlwm (Dolen) / Connection

A series of gatherings of artists and theatre makers working in Scottish Gaelic, Irish and Welsh

The first gathering (called Ceangal / Dolen) was held on 8 and 9 November 2019 at the National Theatre of Scotland in Glasgow, for companies and artists from Scotland, Ireland and Wales working in Gàidhlig, Gaeilge and Cymraeg.

With support from Colmcille, Theatre Gu Leòr worked in partnerhip with NUI Galway to present this two-day event, which aimed to share knowledge and experience within the theatre sector.

CEANGAL/DOLEN II, led by Ealaín na Gaeltachta with NUI Galway, was held online on 10 - 13 November 2020.

The third Ceangal / Cwlwm took place online on 26 and 27 November 2021, led by the University of South Wales. The gathering brought together artists, theatre companies, academics, funders and others, from the three nations. With talks, debates and conversations, the goal was to strengthen our sector through learning from each other.