Cleasaichean | Cast

Elspeth Turner
Tha Elspeth Nic an Tuairneir na cleasaiche is sgrìobhadair. ‘S ann à Fìobha a tha i, is dh’ionnsaich i Gàidhlig aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig agus bho a h-athair. Ghabh i ceum bho The Urdang Academy, Lunnain, agus bho’n American Academy of Dramatic Arts, New York. On a sin, tha i air a bhith ag obair le companaidhean air feadh na dùthcha - Theatre Nàiseanta na h-Alba, Magnetic North, Theatre Gu Leòr, The Traverse, sruth-mara, agus Play, Pie and a Pint nam measg.
Tha a h-obair teatar ann an Ameireagaidh a' gabhail a-steach Dial M for Murder agus The Odd Couple (Engeman Theatre), The Pillowman (Theatre Row), agus Titus Andronicus agus Macbeth, (The Queens Players). Tha a h-obair scrìn a’ gabhail a-steach Bannan (Young Films/BBC Alba), agus am fiolm ùr le Lyre Productions, Riptide – sgeul-gaoil anns a bheil sgrùdadh air sgoltadh-inntinne. Tha Elspeth a’ fuireach ann an Dùn Eideann leis a’ chèile is an dithis chloinne.
Elspeth Turner is an actor and writer. She is originally from Fife and learned Gaelic at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig and from her Dad. She is a graduate of The Urdang Academy, London, and of The American Academy of Dramatic Arts, New York. Since then, she has worked with various companies across Scotland, including National Theatre of Scotland, Magnetic North, Theatre Gu Leòr, The Traverse, sruth-mara, and Play, Pie and a Pint.
U.S. Theatre credits include Dial M for Murder and The Odd Couple (Engeman Theatre), The Pillowman (Theatre Row), and Titus Andronicus and Macbeth, (The Queens Players). Screen work includes Bannan (Young Films / BBC Alba), and new feature Riptide, a Schizophrenia love story from acclaimed Scottish filmmakers Lyre Productions. Elspeth lives in Edinburgh with her husband and two children.

Dòl Eòin MacKinnon
'S ann à Scalpaigh na Hearadh a tha Dòl Eoin MacKinnon o thùs. Tha e air a bhith ag obair anns na h-ealainn airson iomadach bliadhna, eadar ceòl, dealbhan cluich, agus prògramman tele. 'S toil leis a bhith a' lorg sgeulachdan matha; a bhith gan sgrìobhadh; agus, bho àm gu àm, gan cluich.
Chluich e ‘Alasdair’ thairis air sia sreath air Bannan (BBC ALBA). Cuideachd, tha e air a bhith ann a Blood of the Clans (BBC4) agus Meas air Chrannaibh a chaidh a stiùireadh le Norman Stone.
Dh’obraich Dòl Eoin le Theatre Gu Leòr roimhe air Doras Dùinte mar ‘Lyndsay Guthrie’ aig Theatre Òran Mòr agus air cuairt ‘s na h-Alba.
O chionn ghoirid, ghabh e pàirt ann a bùitean-obrach rannsachaidh agus leasachaidh airson pìos theatre ùr mu Flora MacDonald, a’ cleachdadh na sgilean ciùil aige.
Dòl Eoin MacKinnon is originally from Scalpay, Harris. He has worked in the arts for many years, between music, theatre and television. He enjoys finding good stories; writing them, and from time to time, performing them.
He is perhaps best known for playing 'Alasdair' in six seasons of Bannan (BBC ALBA). He has also appeared in Blood of the Clans (BBC4) and Meas air Chrannaibh (Fruit on the Branches) directed by Norman Stone.
Dòl Eoin previously worked with Theatre Gu Leòr in Doras Dùinte (Closed Door) at Oran Mòr Theatre and on tour in Scotland.
His recent work includes a week's research and development workshop for a new musical about Flora MacDonald, also deploying his musician skills.

Sam James Smith
‘S e cleasaiche bho’n t-Eilean Sgitheanach a th’ann a Somhairle Mac a’ Ghobhainn. Tha e anns am bliadhna mu dheireadh aige aig Conservatoire Rìoghail na h-Alba air am BA Acting program. Tha e cuideachd ag obair an-dràsta air pròiseact ACADEMIX anns an Eòrpa, far a’ bheil diofar conservatoires a’ tighinn còmhla gus dealbh-cluich a chuir air anns Paris. Tha ùidh aige ann an ceòl, ‘is e a’ cleachdadh an sgil seo cho tric sa ghabhas ‘s an obair aige.
Tha an obair aige a’ gabhail a-steach Faustus: That Damned Woman (2022, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland), The Dream (2022, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland), Swallowed (2022, Frizz Theatre, Gilded Balloon), agus Rapunzel: The Drive Through Pantomime (2020, Kapow Theatre Scotland).
Sam is an actor from the Isle of Skye. He is currently in his final year of the BA Acting course at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. He is taking part in the European ACADEMIX project, in which various conservatoires across Europe are working together to create a multi-lingual theatre performance that will be produced in Paris in June. Sam is also a very keen musician. His recent credits include Faustus: That Damned Woman (2022, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland), The Dream (2022, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland), Swallowed (2022, Frizz Theatre, Gilded Balloon), and Rapunzel: The Drive Through Pantomime (2020, Kapow Theatre Scotland).

MJ Deans
Rinn MJ a cuid thrèanaidh aig New College Lanarkshire (air an robh Motherwell College). Tha na creideasan thèatair aice a’ toirt a-steach: Rocket Post! (Constellation Points, NTS), Cèilidh, Gaisgeach nan Gràineag (Theatre Gu Leòr), Aladdin (SLLC), Whisky Galore (NTS), Angus Weaver of Grass (Horse & Bamboo), InValid Voices (Army @ The Fringe/Summerhall).
Tha na creideasan fiolm/TBh a’ toirt a-steach: Speak Gaelic (BBC), Scot Squad (Comedy Unit), Carry Me Home (NTS), Stella: Braw Tales (Mull Theatre) agus FUNC (The Woven Thread), a bhuannaich an duais airson comadaidh as fhèarr aig RTSS.
Tha na creideasan eile aice a’ toirt a-steach a bhith na preasantair air a’ phrògram fianaise Trusadh: Geamadh-An Ath Ìre le Mac TV agus a’ toirt guth don charactar Moira anns a’ gheama A Highland Song le Inkle Studio.
MJ trained at New College Lanarkshire (formerly Motherwell College). Theatre credits include: Rocket Post! (Constellation Points, NTS), Cèilidh, Gaisgeach nan Gràineag (Theatre Gu Leòr), Aladdin (SLLC), Whisky Galore (NTS), Angus Weaver of Grass (Horse & Bamboo), InValid Voices (Army @ The Fringe/Summerhall). Film & TV credits include: Speak Gaelic (BBC), Scot Squad (Comedy Unit), Carry Me Home (NTS), Stella: Braw Tales (Mull Theatre) and the RTSS Best Comedy Award Winning FUNC (The Woven Thread). MJ's other credits include presenting the videogame documentary Trusadh: Geamadh-An Ath Ìre for Mac TV and voicing the player character Moira in Inkle Studio's new game A Highland Song.

Daibhidh Walker
‘S ann à Uibhist a Deas a tha Daibhidh agus thrèan e aig SMO san Eilean Sgitheanach. Tha na creideasan TV aige a toirt a staigh An Clò Mor (Solus), OMC! (Comedy Unit), Bannan (Young Films), PC Alasdair Stuibhart (Co-wrote and starred in, BBC Scotland) Outlander (Sony) Gary Tank Commander (Comedy Unit) Da latha sa Damhair (Woven Thread, Celtic Media award for entertainment), Air ais air an Ran Dan (BBC Scotland), Buidheagan (Sorbier, RTS award for Childrens category), Kids of Courage (Looks films/Solus), Siubhlachan–Mara (Lillyisland films).
Tha an obair theatre aige a toirt a staigh Gaidhlig Ghlaschu (Glasgow Life/Celtic connections), Soil and Soul (Sruth-mara-MacBheatha), Aisling Oidhche Meadhan Samhraidh (Glasgow Life), Last Tango in Partick (NTS), Oran Mor - Scenes of survival (BBC/NTS) and has also worked on other various productions over the years on radio to voice over work on cartoons to computer games. Tha e cuideachd air obair a dhèanamh air rèidio, obair thar-ghuth, cartùn agus geamannan-bhideo.
Daibhidh is from the island of South Uist and did his training at SMO on Skye. His TV credits include An Clò Mor (Solus), OMC! (Comedy Unit), Bannan (Young Films), PC Alasdair Stuibhart (Co-wrote and starred in, BBC Scotland) Outlander (Sony) Gary Tank Commander (Comedy Unit) Da latha sa Damhair (Woven Thread, Celtic Media award for entertainment), Air ais air an Ran Dan (BBC Scotland), Buidheagan (Sorbier, RTS award for Childrens category), Kids of Courage (Looks films/Solus), Siubhlachan–Mara (Lillyisland films).
Theatre includes Gaidhlig Ghlaschu (Glasgow Life/Celtic connections), Soil and Soul (Sruth-mara-MacBheatha), Aisling Oidhche Meadhan Samhraidh (Glasgow Life), Last Tango in Partick (NTS), Oran Mor - Scenes of survival (BBC/NTS) and has also worked on other various productions over the years on radio to voice over work on cartoons to computer games.