Air a thaisbeanadh le Theatre Gu Leòr, Fishamble agus Theatr Bara Caws
Air a sgrìobhadh le Màiri Nic ’Ille Mhoire, Eva O’ Connor agus Mared Llywelyn Williams
Air a stiùireadh le Muireann Kelly
‘Taigh’ ann an Gàidhlig, ‘Tŷ’ ann an Cuimris agus ‘Teach’ ann an Gaeilge. An aon chiall ann an trì cànain. Aig cridhe ar saoghal, ’s e àite a th’ ann airson teaghlach, cruinneachadh is ceòl. Àite airson cuimhneachadh is airson comharrachadh. Ach cuideachd, ’s e àite fo chunnart a th’ ann an cuid de sgìrean, le darna dachaighean, àrdachadh màl agus gainnead thaighean a’ toirt buaidh air ar coimhearsnachdan agus ar cànain.
Se co-riochdachadh ùr, ioma-chànanach a th’ ann an Taigh Tŷ Teach, air a sgrìobhadh le Màiri Nic ’Ille Mhoire ann an Alba, Eva O’ Connor ann an Èirinn agus Mared Llywelyn Williams sa Chuimrigh. Bidh e air a thaisbeanadh anns na trì dùthchanan ann an Gàidhlig, Gaeilge agus Cuimris, le fo-thìotalan ann am Beurla.
Trì thaighean, trì choimhearsnachdan agus trì sgeulachdan ri innse, gach aon a’ meòrachadh air na dùbhlain a th’ aig na trì dhùthchanan ann an cumantas, agus na daoine a tha aig teis-meadhan na cùise.
Bidh cothrom aig luchd-amhairc Albannach an dealbh-cluich beò fhaicinn aig Grinneabhat ann am Bradhagair, Eilean Leòdhais, bhon 30mh den Fhaoilleach chun 1d den Ghearran.
nota bhon stiùiriche | director’s note
We are all acutely aware of the housing crisis currently affecting communities in Ireland Scotland and Wales. However, the impact of this crisis hits harder in the heartlands and Gaeltacht areas where the already marginalised Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Welsh languages are under threat. Here the native speaking communities are disproportionately affected by spiralling prices and competition from second home owners.
Travelling home to Ireland regularly from Scotland for the past 30 years, especially down to the Achill Gaeltacht and other areas of Mayo, I found the changes gradual but obvious. With each passing year, I noticed fewer and fewer lights on, more and more empty houses. I have struggled to keep the connection alive between my family and a place, a language and the people I had come from. I am aware that in the next 30 years, the very thing I keep returning for may well have disappeared.
Although it is a complex issue, I could see the impact second home ownership, Air B&B’s, and rising house costs and rents were having on these already fragile communities, their languages and way of life.
The sad truth is that many who grew up speaking Irish, Welsh and Scottish Gaelic have little choice but to leave and, as a consequence, when this last generation of native speakers leave, their languages, stories and music leave with them - often never to return. I felt strongly that I wanted to make a piece of work that captured a snapshot of the lives affected by the effects of this crisis. It was important to me that it was written and heard in languages and in the places most affected. I am grateful to Fishamble, Bara Caws and Theatre Gu Leòr for coming together to co-produce Taigh Ty Teach - learning and gaining strength from each other in the process.
Three playwrights, one from each country, who were either from or had family ties with those communities, were commissioned to write three short plays in response to the crisis and its affect on the languages and their communities. Mairi Morrison, born and raised on Lewis, Mared Llewellyn, still living in Nefyn, and Eva O’Connor, who spent summers with her family in Caherdaniel, all took up the challenge. These three short plays are their stories of how people persist in the face of this escalating crisis and of how much we all stand to lose if we don’t take action before it is too late.
Honi Cooke
Martha Dunlea
Richard Elfyn
Siôn Emyr
Mirain Fflur
Màiri Nic‘illeMhoire
Eoin Ó Dubhghaill
Sam James Smith
Elspeth Turner
Voiceovers - Dòmhnaill Mac ‘Ille Mhoire, Mari Emlyn, Arthur Emlyn Evans, Ela Emlyn Evans
Stiùiriche - Muireann Kelly
Sgrìobhaichean - Màiri Nic’illeMhoire, Eva O’Connor & Mared Llywelyn Wiliams
Neach-leasachaidh Dràma - Pamela McQueen
Dealbhadh Seata & Aodaich - Becky Minto
Dealbhadh Solais & AV - Ceri James
Stiùiriche Ciùil - Hilary Brooks
Dealbhadh Fuaime - Berwyn Morris-Jones
Iar-dhealbadh Seata & Aodaich - Fraser Lappin
Iar-stiùiriche - Betsan Llwyd
Production Management - Eoin Kilkenny, Mike Adkins
Stage Management - Katharina Siebert, Leanna Cuttle, Cathrin Thomas, Llŷr Edwards, Jess Baldwin, Rachel Kate Macleod
AV & Subtitles - Craig McNeill, Ellie Thompson
Technicians - DC MacMillan, Robbie Thomson
Tha an riochdachadh a’ faighinn taic bho Alba Chruthachail, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, the Arts Council Ireland, Culture Ireland, Siamsa Tíre, Foras na Gaeilge, British Irish Chamber of Commerce, British Council Ireland, Scottish Government in Ireland, Welsh Government in Ireland, Arts Council of Wales, agus Gwynedd Council Shared Prosperity Fund. Chaidh a leasachadh an toiseach le taic bho Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru.
Le taing mhòr dhan sgioba aig Grinneabhat.