session plan

Here is a template of a plan which can be adapted with various games and themes.

1.       Wash your hands!

2.       Welcome the class and rules

3.       Warm up - We started with the game ‘Dèanaibh Buileagan’ (see this video for an explanation), to give the pupils a chance to find a place for themselves in the room and keep a distance from other pupils. You can play two additional games as part of the warm up. Pick from the page GAMES. You can use different ones for each session.

4.       Conversation - What were they like when they were younger? And now? And what do they hope for themselves in the future? I was… I am… I will be… You can adapt the questions for each session, depending on what is appropriate for each group e.g. what was their experience of the pandemic and lockdown? What gave them happiness? What was difficult for them?

5.       Moving - Create movements which convey their three answer e.g. I was… I am… I will be… We are aiming for movements which incorporate the whole body, and which effectively portray feelings and opinions, instead of typical daily movements. Do the movements together, starting at different points in the circle. See more guidance here, and the videos below

6.       Feedback - Write down your three words/answers

7.       Wash your hands!