Written and directed by Pauline Goldsmith

Original translation by Màiri Morrison (Gàidhlig) &  Seumas McCanny (Gaeilge) 

Bright Colours Only is a one- woman play that exhumes the death industry and resurrects the dying wake tradition. It takes an unusual look at the funny side of funerals, death and wake rituals. It is a play for those dying to live! It was first produced in Tramway in 2003 it now celebrates its 10th anniversary with a unique translation into Scottish and Irish Gaelic.

PERFORMANCE HISTORY                                  1

8th-9th June 2013, Tramway, Glasgow



"Drop dead funny..." Observer *****

“...it could have been an awkward situation...standing around the coffin in this woman’s house...It is testament to the artistry of the actor, Muireann Kelly, that the piece was so well-crafted and I soon found myself believing it to be real.”

- Steaphan MacRisinidh (The Scotsman), 15/06/2013


Pauline Goldsmith – Sgrìobhaiche Agus Stiùiriche / Writer And Director


Muireann Kelly – Cleasaiche


Màiri Morrison – Gaelic Translation
Seumas Canaidh –  Irish Translation

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